Thursday we went up to Hollywood Studios. But upon getting there we discovered there really isn't much to do there. There were only a couple things that even appealed to me. We went and saw the Indiana Jones show and that was quite entertaining. Then Mike suggested the Muppets 3D show and that was fun. The little girl next to me was very entertaining. She kept jumping every time something came at her, but afterwards she insisted that she hadn't been scared once. I had to bite my tongue to keep from laughing. I had seen her sink so low in her chair that if I hadn't know she was there I wouldn't have noticed her.
After that we went on the backstage movie making tour. We watched them shoot a scene with a few volunteers and it made us laugh when they got wet. Then we watched it all put together with dialogue and sound effects it was pretty cool, even though the volunteers will never have a hope of getting into the movies. Their acting wasn't very good. :O)
Then we went for a ride through the back lot and got to see where the costumes and scenery is made. We got to see Captin Jack Sparrow's costume - so that was pretty cool. Then we had a walking tour and got to see props and costumes. Some with movies as recent as The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe and Enchanted. We decided to end our Disney day after that and grabbed our bus back to the hotel.
We decided to try out my new Transformers Monopoly game. Mike and I both chose deceptacon pieces. I was Ravage - the awesome cat from the second movie while he chose Megatron. I think I made a better bad guy than Mike because I dominated him. It took us a couple hours but eventually he went bankrupt.
After our game we walked down to the movie theater. We decided to see New Moon because he had promised to go with me. He was enjoying it so much that he fell asleep. It took me several pokes to wake him up again. After the movie was over he told me that he didn't like it. Which is a shame as I liked it better than Twilight. I teased him about falling asleep as we walked to Planet Hollywood for dinner. And if anyone ever goes to Planet Hollywood and orders the half roasted chicken - they mean that literally. From breast to leg. I've never seen a place give you so much chicken. And neither had Mike apprarently. He was just as surprised as I was.
Friday at Sea World turned out to be rainy and cold. The skies were cloudy and gray when we woke up. We took a hotel car up to Sea World and by the time we got there it was raining. My good outlook on the day quickly dampened as Mike's attitude soured with the weather.
We had our interaction with the dolphins first. Going backstage to get a trainers view of the dolphin and whale show. Then we went and saw where the dolphins had their medical exams. Then we went to the dolphin cove where we met our trainer and the three dolphins we would be working with. We had the teens of the group, and the acted just like three unruly teenage boys. But it was such an amazing experience. Mike told me that I'd better feed them because he wasn't touching any smelly fish. He really seemed to like interacting with the dolphins though. They feel like rubbery saran wrap. Mike's mood brightened a lot while we were there.
After the dolphins we got lost in the park trying to find our way to the Arctic Adventure. They made the park very hard to navigate it was so frustrating. But we finally found our way there and we looked through the gift shop while waiting for our next interaction to begin. We were supposed to meet at the big bronze bear, so we took pictures next to it to pass the time.
Soon after that the tour began and we were taken in the back to put on our wet suits. I had forgotten how freaking uncomfortable they are. Seriously? How do you forget something like that? Of course you don't focus on that when you get in the pool with the whales. They were just as sweet as before. They did do some different tricks than the ones in California. They gave us hugs, which meant that they literally swam into your lap and put their face into your chest while you wrapped your arms around their huge heads. They also splashed us a lot more. We were soaked when we came out. Literally dripping with salt water. Afterwards we got in the shower - and all the hot water was gone, so I was in and out within a couple minutes, looking forward eagerly to getting back to the hotel to take a hot one.
We decided to call it an early day after grabbing some quick lunch. The rain wasn't letting up and we were both miserable and tired. So we came back to the hotel, took very hot showers and relaxed. Mike took a nap and I tried watching bad TV before giving it up as a bad job and calling home to see who would be picking us up Sunday. My five minute call quickly turned into an hour long call as Mom wanted to know all about our trip. I think she had more fun listening than we had actually had doing. :)
Saturday we went to Universal Studios. I admit I wasn't too thrilled about the day. Mike seemed enthusiastic about The Blue Man Group, but I wasn't looking forward to it. I don't like concerts and avoid them for that reason. So when we got to the park it was cold and wet, much like it had been at Sea World the day before. So I was glad that we had brought our umbrella and the sweatshirts that we had bought at Sea World the day before. We went down the street, passing The Incredible Hulk ride but paused as we got to Spider-Man . After checking with the attendant there and making sure it wasn't a roller coaster we decided to brave it.
It was AWESOME!!!!! It was a 3D simulated ride that took you on a Spider-Man adventure. The first time scared me a little because at the end of the ride you fall of a sky scraper and plummet to the ground, only to be save by a web net at the last minute. But it was a blast, Mike and I went on it two more times right away before wandering off to see what else was around.
The pathe led us straight to Jurassic Park. After determining that both rides there were too scary for me to try we just wandered around the trails taking pictures with all the dinosaurs. Then we wandered into a gift shop where we tried on dinosaur hats. Mike got a good laugh at me when we did that but he looked just as goofy as I did. Then we went inside and looked at the exibits there. We saw a rapter hatch from an egg and one of the kids named her Biter. Mike and I took turns doing the DNA dino simulation. Both the Canaceosaurus and the Mikeadon looked pretty ugly. But it was fun none the less.
After Jurassic Park we wandered into Dr. Seuss Land. We saw The Cat in the Hat and Thing 1 and Thing 2 but didn't get pictures with them. I did insist on pictures with the characters from Green Egss and Ham. When it was my turn Mike took my picture, when he wasn't looking Sam-I-Am gave me a kiss. Mike laughed when I told him. Then we saw the Grinch and of course we had to have a picture with him.
Then we walked back through the comic strip area, and Mike saw Betty Boop. She is his favorite so he wanted pictures.
After that we went on Spider-Man two more times. Mike got kind of dizzy so we grabbed some lunch. Mike got the fish and I got pizza. He was pleased but wasn't too satisfied, I wasn't either it wasn't that great. Then we went on Spider-Man for the last time before moving on to the other side of the park.
The first thing I noticed was the I Love Lucy memorial store. I HAD to check it out. It was so cool. There was a display that showed how they had the stage set up. I tried my hand at the I Love Lucy Quiz and got all the answers right of course. Then we wandered around the gift shop.
After that we went on the Shrek 4D ride. Well it was more like a movie and your chair moves a lot. But it was fun. Then I braved Twister, which was actually really boring. You basically stand there and watch a twister go around destroying things on set. We didn't even get wet. Mike complained about that loudly for several minutes after we left.
Then we saw a giant Garfield the Cat balloon they were going to use for the parade later. We both love Garfield so we took pictures with him. Then I saw Jaws. So we took pictures with the shark before going on the ride. I was a little disappointed. Jaws kept attacking the other side of the boat and I only got to see him once or twice.
After that we walked over to The Simpson's ride. It was another simulated ride, just like Spider-Man but without the 3D. Also you don't leave the room on The Simpson's ride. Again I loved it. You start going on a roller coaster, then it takes you all the way through Springfield. It was so much fun and so funny too. Mike and I went on it three times in a row before we had to head over to the concert.
Blue Man group was very entertaining and funny. It wasn't even like a real concert. I enjoyed it much more than I thought I would. I loved on part in particular. When they selected an older lady from the audience, took her on stage and they all ate twinkies with knives and forks. It was very funny.
Sunday we went to Magic Kingdom one last time - but after all the rides at Universal Studios it wasn't as much fun as it was the first time. Although we did see Winnie-the-Pooh and took pictures with him. Again I got a kiss. Mike asked what was up with the characters kissing me. I have no idea.
Overall we had a great time in Florida but it was so good to come back to Utah. I tried to upload pictures on here but couldn't do it. So if anyone wants to see pictures feel free to e-mail me at and I will send you some pictures of our trip.