Well it has been a while since I've posted anything here. Life has been hectic lately and very tiring. But somehow I've managed to survive, which is a mircale in and of itself. I've learned that the best way to go through life is to look for the silver lining with everything that happens and it helps me to pull through. Sometimes its harder than others but it is always there.
These past few months have been a fine example of finding the silver lining. Mike and I have been adjusting to married life, learning each other quirks and overlooking some of the things that bother us. For me it is the little things that tend to bug me the most. Bath towels slung over the sink or on the bed, cereal bowls not being rinsed out, spots on the counter when Mike makes his smoothies and they spill over. I was worried that maybe I was just being too sensitive - so I consulted my friends about it. And surprise surprise I'm not the only one who feels that way. I was so relieved.
On top of that Mike and I have three dogs, which often times feels like three children. We have our fights over them and our compromises, but it all works out. Luckily for us one of them is already potty trained so he is a good example for the two puppies. Jack and Priestly are tied together almost literally in their unique bond. Wherever Jack goes Priestly follows, and wherever Priestly goes Jack tries to follow. Sometimes that gets Jack into trouble as he can't always go where Priestly goes as Jack is much bigger than he is. Priestly also likes to tease Jack at times, but Jack doesn't seem too interested in being teased. When he's taken enough he'll swat Priestly on the head with his paw and send him on his way. But the two share almost everything. I'll give Priestly a bone, Jack will take it. I give Jack a bone Priestly will help Jack chew it. I give Priestly a ball Jack takes it, I give Jack a ball - well Jack hogs it. I give Priestly a bath Jack will hop right in so he can have one too. I let Jack out to go potty Priestly has to go to. I give Priestly his dinner and Jack wants his. I give Jack a treat Priestly wants one. If Jack has a nap Priestly wants one too. If I'm in the kitchen cooking I will look down to see Jack asleep and Priestly on Jack's back sound asleep.
This past week I had family coming up for dinner. So I cleaned the house frantically, wanting to have it nice and clean when they came. I started a part of the dinner Wednesday as it would need to be in the fridge for 24 hours before I could cut it into squares. So I was basically cooking and cleaning frantically from Tuesday to Saturday. Only to have my family stay on the ground floor. The silver lining here - I have a clean house so I don't need to do anything until later on this week when I'll have to clean the bathroom again.
Today I spent my allowance for the next month and half or so getting a permanent straightening solution put in my hair. I spent the morning and part of the afternoon getting my hair done and enjoyed being pampered. When I came home Mike said that the puppies had had an accident on the floor. The silver lining - it is easier to clean it off a tiled floor than the carpet. They are still learning - but they are getting better at it.
Yesterday I let the dogs out and Pattie didn't want to come back in. With no shoes on I chased her around the back yard and failed to catch her - she thought it was a great game until I finally snagged her by the tail. She gave me a defeated look but surrendered. She paid for her little game by going to bed early. The silver lining? Well I'm not too sure on this one but I think Priestly's enthusiastic dance and sticking his nose through the bars of her kennel like he was mocking her made me laugh. So maybe that was it.
Tina told me I'm not allowed to wash my hair for the next 48 hours, or to even get it wet. Sure it smells nice now...but I don't envy it in 48 hours. But the silver lining - at least I don't have to do my hair for a couple of days, though that might not be the most positive thing. Well, plus for me - less time I have to spend in the bathroom in the morning. :)
Still have several things to do this week. I've got dinner group Saturday with Rose and Chantel which I love. It gives me some good girl time. We are going to Rose's this month. She is making homemade pizza, I'm making breadsticks, and Chantel is going to make brownies. I've had a lot of fun with dinner group with my two of my best girl friends. And it has been fun to learn some new recipes as well. It makes it more fun as we are trying new things. We promised to always try it and we have benefitted from it.
Sunday is Easter. The silver lining - tons of yummy candy. The down side - buring off all those calories from said candy. Man how come everything very pleasing in life has some kind of downside to it?
I'm also making dinner for my mother and father in law on Sunday. Maybe I'll try making lasagna in a hard roll for them...something we did for dinner group and it was good. I'll try and be better about updating this - but I won't promise as when I promise I often break them and that is the same as lying. And despite the jokes I make I really don't want to be punished with the murderers and theives in Hell for something as stupid as lying. But I promise I'll try. That I can say honestly.
Party Animals
Wild hair, orange jello and a sleepover in the big bed at my house.
We know how to party on New Years Eve.
BTW, we didn't stay up until midnight.
11 years ago
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