I had to wake up early on Monday so that I could get ready and take him in. Of course Priestly threw the biggest fit when he saw Jack was going somewhere and as soon as I put him in his kennel he gave me the saddest eyes I've ever seen. Call me a sucker because I took him with us. We got down to the vet just in time for Jack's appointment. Of course he was nervous and tried to sit on my lap while we were waiting, which ended up with him knocking my purse to the filthy floor. Priestly was too excited to be nervous he knew that he wasn't in there for anything. But when I was asked to put him on the scale so we could weigh him Priestly had other ideas. When we finally got him to hold still long enough we discovered that he's gained almost two pounds since the last time we took him to the vet. I laughed because he doesn't look any different and he's still so light to pick up - I could hold him all day and never get tired. Pattie on the other hand if I pick her up my arms ache after five minutes. So Priestly is now a healthy 5 1/2 pounds of wiggling puppy.
After we were taken into the exam room and asked what we were in for I told him and he told me that I'd have to come back Tuesday or Wednesday to get that done because they were already booked up for surgeries that day. That made me very mad. There hadn't been any surgeries booked when I'd called and made the appointment and I'd even gotten the first appointment of the day. I told him that when I called I'd booked to get it removed, not looked at, but removed. He was probably very aware of how angry I was because he went and talked to the vet in charge of the surgeries who said we could get Jack in. Needless to say after I found out the price I will definitely not be going back to that clinc again. As far as I'm concerned they can burn his records.
Tuesday was Stephen's birthday. Jack was still very sore from his surgery the day before and has several stitches keeping the wound closed so he's not allowed to play until after those are removed. So I got up early and made Stephen's birthday cake then later that afternoon I loaded up the puppies and took them with me so Jack could get some sleep without the puppies howling downstairs.
It was fun, I still can't believe my baby brother's turned 22, but then again I can't believe I'm going to be 25 this year either. Mike wasn't able to go as he had school but I let the puppies out in the backyard to play and we did dinner and presents and cake. Brent kept saying that cake should come before presents because when you already had the cake it made you more excited about the presents. It made us all laugh. I went home right after cake so I could get back to Jack.
Wednesday we had a quiet day at home, something I'd hoped for when I asked for vacation time. Thursday I had invited Stephen up for dinner. He wanted lasagna with French bread and wanted to try my rainbow Jell-O. So I'd been working on the Jell-O for the past couple of days to get it ready as it does take quite a bit of time to get it together. I put that together as well as the lasagna in the morning and put them in the fridge for later. I told Stephen I'd go pick him up because he had no way of getting up here, but some friends were going to pick him up later because he was going to a dance. Stephen really enjoyed everything and had seconds of everything, but had a hard time finishing his Jell-O it doesn't look like much but it is actually quite a bit and that took him by surprise. We passed the time after dinner looking at some slideshows I've put together on my new laptop and watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and laughing at the jokes. Some things never change we both still like Ninja Turtles.
Friday I woke up very sick. Mike was alarmed at how warm I was and made me stay on the couch all day. He enjoyed playing doctor a lot. Running around and fetching things for me even though I didn't want them. He particularly enjoyed making me drink icky poo orange juice. Even though it is good for me I still hate it - but I drank it. Mom and Melinda dropped off some things for me that night and Mike had fun giving them to me. I think maybe he had too much fun playing doctor.
Saturday I felt a little better so we went to MAHARG night for dinner. But by the time we were done with that and our early Father's Day I was exhausted and just wanted to go home. So we came home around 8:00.
Sunday passed in pretty much the same fashion I was still pretty sick so we stayed home so I could rest up and try to get better before I have to go back to work tomorrow. I went downstairs and finished my bottle of water then refilled it with tap, sticking it in my usual spot on the second shelf. When I went to get it later I was surprised to find it gone. I asked Mike if he drank it and he smiled and shrugged. I told him that was my icky sicky water and he was going to get my sickies because he drank it. He told me it was only a little bit gone but then I revealed that I had just refilled it. That threw him for a loop and he made such a fuss that it left me rolling on the floor holding my sides to keep from falling apart I couldn't stop laughing.
Overall it was a pretty good vacation. I got to go see Chantel and the new baby again while waiting for Jack's surgery to be over with, I got to bake Stephen some of my favorite things to make, Priestly and Pattie got to run around Dad's big backyard, Jack now has two shaved areas - on the surgical site and on his leg plus he has hot pink stitiches - that way you can't miss them. Mike almost threw up when he saw Jack's stitches and that made me laugh, our small fan pooped out on us so now we have a bigger one and Pattie loves to sit there and let the fan blow the hair from her face, Priestly hasn't been allowed in Jack's kennel in case he pulls at Jack's stitches so he's discovered the joys of sleeping on the bed next to me. And I've discovered something too - no matter how rotten a week is you can always go back and recall things you really liked about parts of it.
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