It was about 4:30 in the morning and I was walking to my car, fairly quickly because it was cold outside, and I heard someone start to wolf whistle me. Now I've only ever heard teenagers and people on TV actually do that so that made me pause and turn. Which I really wish I hadn't. There was a tall guy, with his face hidden in shadows, not too far from me. He was watching me as I walked to my car. When I started to walk again he wolf whistled me a second time, and then started to follow me. I jumped into my car and locked the doors, pulled out and drove quickly away.
Mike didn't have to work that day because he had a job interview somewhere else. So I talked to him on my lunch to make sure he was going to be home when I got home as I didn't want to come home to an empty apartment. He promised he would be - and when I got home he thought I was going to tell him I was pregnant. But I'm not - I told him what happened and he was very angry - insisting on walking me to my car in the morning from now on. And he did, it felt nice not being alone although I felt bad making him get up so much earlier than he had to.
Later that week Mike went to bed early as he had to go to work the next day and since I didn't have to go to work I was up watching a movie with both puppies curled up on my lap. About midnight I heard the door rattle. I thought it was my imagination at first but then it rattled again and the door knob started to twist. Priestly woke up with a start and started to growl. I panicked, grabbing both puppies I dashed into the bedroom, woke up my husband and trembled so hard the bed was shaking. I didn't sleep well, I kept having nightmares and when I finally got up the next morning I didn't want to stay here alone - I took both the puppies to my parents and I went shopping for black sweats to finish my Halloween costume. I called Mom and I told her what happened. She was very upset - and told me if we didn't have the money she was going to buy me a baseball bat. But we have Mike's cricket bat here in the apartment so I don't need one. It hasn't happened since and thank goodness for that.
I have both of the puppies costumes though and I got what I needed to finish my costume. Mike also got his costume last weekend and we had a Halloween party at Mom's yesterday. Unfortunately I forgot my camera but it was still a lot of fun - I was so tired though after working a full week, getting our apartment ready for bug spraying again as the whole building is having problems so they are spraying every apartment in an attempt to get rid of them and I have to finish that today, doing tons of house work, and cooking dinner at Mom's for everyone that I fell asleep during the movie. I wasn't disappointed about that it was boring. We left soon after that.
Halloween is coming up this week - Mike and I are going to Mom's to pass out candy in exchange for watching scary movies on the big screen and enjoying some of the candy ourselves. I just hope it isn't raining again.
Happy Halloween everybody!
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