Moving was rough, we had had to change to a top floor apartment because the couple in the apartment we were going to have decided to stay for another month. And walking up and down those stairs over and over, lugging in boxes was very wearing. We started at about quarter to 3:00pm but around quarter after 4:00pm we decided to call it quits for the day. We thanked everyone for their help and Mike and I decided we'd finish unloading the truck the next morning.
By the time I got up at 6:30 the next morning Mike had already been awake for an hour and there were only four boxes left to bring in. Then he left for a job interview and I got to work setting up our new place. I couldn't stand having boxes all over because we couldn't move around at all. I worked non-stop for 9 hours setting up our apartment and by the time I called it quits our kitchen, living room, bathroom, and most of the bedroom was done. All that was left were a couple of boxes of Mike's things he'd need to sort out, our wall hangings that I wanted Mike's help with, and Mike's clothes. So in less than 24 hours I made the place look like home. We love it here and our neighbors are very friendly. The kids seem fascinated with our small dogs - and one of them was brave enough to come up and pet Jack the other day. Priestly even let one of the kids touch him. Pattie of course loves everyone.
We haven't had too many problems, except we need to call Sears because our dryer isn't working. And our garbage disposal stopped working this week - but that's the apartment building's job to take care of. So hopefully they'll send someone soon. Jack got sick this week so I took him down to Dad's for a few days so he can have access to go potty when he needs to go rather than waiting for us - he wasn't very happy when I left him there though. I'll pick him up and bring him home this weekend. Dad said that Jack's having a great time swimming in the swimming pool he bought for him. When I dropped him off I even let Priestly have a go at the pool, holding him under the chest while he doggy paddled and splashed Jack in the face. They miss their big brother and it is very empty without him. But he'll be home soon and we'll be a complete family once again. Anyway here are some pictures of our new place.
This is part of our kitchen and bar if you stood at our couch. I let Mike set up his computer here and used the space above our cupboards to place some of our wedding pictures. Since our apartment is small it has forced me to be creative in decorating.
This is our entertainment center - we don't have a dining room because our apartment is so small, but we hope to get a folding table and chairs for when we have guests visit. We improvised with the TV area, using the coffee table Arla gave us to put the TV, DVD player, Playstation and eventually Mike's game system when he gets that set up.
This is our bedroom.

As you can see the dogs have taken to our new place well. They all feel right at home making themselves comfortable on our bed.
This is our kitchen - and I was very surprised and pleased to discover that everything we had at the big house fit easily into our small kitchen here. Even our food storage. Our pantry is skinny but deep so we weren't even short on space for our soups!!!!
This is a corner of our living room. It took me quite a while to get all the DVD's put back in order but in the end it was worth it.
This is our couch and dog pillows there on the floor. Plus a box of Mike's that has been moved since I've taken this picture. I'm hoping to get some of our picture frames filled with our pictures soon because right now they are just the custom pictures the frames came with. Now that Mike has a job though we might be able to afford it.
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