Friday, February 11, 2011

Our New Place

Well the past few months have been busy for us. We had our first wedding anniversary on November 27th. My Mom gave us a pass she had for a free night at a hotel in downtown Salt Lake. Stephen was nice enough to come down and stay in our apartment with the dogs over night so Mike and I went out for dinner and then went to a very nice hotel for the night. We had to leave early the next day because Mike was working a double shift.
Our second Christmas together was much better than our first. Mike took sleeping pills our first Christmas together so he slept the whole day while I played solitare by myself in the kitchen. This Christmas I got us a Christmas tree, and I got the puppies some cute Christmas outfits.

We spent Christmas Eve at my Grandma and Grandpa Condie's house. We were quite entertained by how impatient my cousins were for their turn to open funny stocking presents. I remember how hard it was to wait while the adults opened their "boring gifts" when I was younger and how tempting those presents were. Parker kept counting down how many people were left before it was his turn - and kept asking why the adult gifts were so funny. The biggest joke for Mike and I were the bugs in our apartment, we got a lot of bug killing things as well as a bug game.
Christmas day Mike and I packed up our gifts and the dogs and went down to my parents. I was really excited for my Mom to open the gift I gave her - I got her one of her favorite Disney movies The One and Only, Genuine, Original Family Band. I really wish I hadn't forgotten my camera but she loved it and was so surprised. After that we went up to Aunt Shirleen's for dinner and presents. We were pretty tired after that though so we didn't stay very long after that - just enough for Mike to have a piece of pie and for me to cut up the fudge and serve that while my chocolate cream pie disappeared. I think my chocolate pie was the fastest to go.
The next day we went to Arla's for dinner and to spend some time with Becky, Colton, and Matt. Unfortunately Mike and I were both not feeling very well so we didn't feel up to playing games afterward. But it was nice to see them again anyway. Matt and his family also brought their new addition. A little Yorkie puppy named Reece's I'm not sure if that is supposed to be Reece's Peanutbutter Cup or not. But that's how I remember her name. Colton loves her.
January I spent most of the month getting us ready to move into our new apartment. But on January 31st when I went down to get our pro-rate to stay for the next few days while our new apartment was getting cleaned for us we were told our apartment was rented and we had to be out by the end of the day. I hadn't even finished packing yet. So in a panic I called my Mom and asked if we could stay with them until Saturday, which she said was fine and Dad said he'd pick up the trailer and be over to help as soon as he could. Chantel told me she had some extra boxes we could have so I dropped the dogs off at my parents and picked the boxes up at Chantels and then went back to finish packing. By the time I got there Stephen and Dad were already there and were moving things down to the trailer. It was a very long very tiring day. But the good part was that our new apartment complex had a different ground floor apartment available for us so we could move in that day. So we got moved into our new apartment five days ahead of what we expected. We were happy to get out of our cockroach infested apartment and into our new one - and we haven't seen a single bug since we've moved in. I feel bad for those new tenant who are going to have a massive cockroach problem in their new home.
I haven't gotten a few things I want for our new apartment but I'll add pictures when I do. But our new apartment is huge compared to our old one! And it is so nice being on the ground floor! I was so tired of hauling groceries up three flights of stairs it was such a pain!
Priestly has adjusted well to our new apartment, and Pattie is slowly getting used to it. She has been a little naughty but she'll adjust. But they love chasing each other up and down the hall. They've got more room to play here and I think they love that. I'm still getting used to it myself, but I've really liked it so far - hopefully things will continue to go up from here.

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