He wanted a Shih Tzu puppy for Christmas. I was hoping to find him a little black and white one to take Oreo's place. And as I was looking on KSL.com I just started to look up Yorkie puppies just for fun. I always wanted a Yorkie puppy, and since I was looking at puppies anyway I didn't see the harm in looking at pictures. They were so sweet looking, it made me want one even more. So that afternoon when Mike came over, we again discussed Christmas and I mention the Yorkie puppy pictures I was looking at earlier. He asked me if I really wanted one, and when I told him I did he promised me one for Christmas. He asked Arla for help in paying for one, and she agreed, saying that my Christmas present would be from both of them. She said that if a Yorkie puppy was what I really wanted that is what I would get.
So Mike and I looked at ad after ad of Yorkie puppies, calling several different people when the puppies for sell were $500 or less. Unfortunately, most of them were sold already. But we got lucky when we called Brook Peacock in Logan, UT. She said she had all six of her puppies for sale still and they would be ready for new homes the following Friday. We asked if we could come out and pick one that day and she said we were more than welcome to come.
The week and a half wait was stressful, I was afraid that all the little boys would be sold with as cheap as she was selling them. But when I called Friday afternoon after I got off work she assured me she still had three little boys left. So I went down to the condo to meet Mike, but was surprised when his car wasn't there. Confused, I called him and he said he was on his way down to fiber glass to get his windshield fixed. So I went down there and picked him up, but let him drive because he has been down to Logan before and knows the area a lot better than I would. I had butterflies churning up my stomach the whole drive down, and the minutes dragged endlessly. Every time I looked at the clock I could have sworn that they were dragging and every minute felt like it was ten minutes.
When we finally got out of the canyon, I called Brook and let her talk to Mike so she could tell him where to go. It didn't take us long to get to her house from the main road, even though her boyfriend made it really confusing. Thank heavens we had taken my car, where we have onstar and can ask for driving directions. We called her to make sure we had the right house when we were sure we were in front of it, I was almost positive because I recognized the large dog in the front yard from one of the pictures with the puppies she had posted. When she confirmed the address we walked up the driveway and Brook greeted us at the door.
The mommy Yorkie was very friendly, although very big still. Brook said she still had a lot of milk even though she barely nursed the pups anymore. We walked over to the little pen she had the puppies in and she pulled all three boys she had left out. The one I was handed started to lick my chin and perfumed me with his puppy breath. I fell in love with him, so Mike gave her the check, we got the puppy's paperwork and small bag of puppy food, then Mike and I thanked Brook and took the new addition of our family out to the car with us. It was cold outside so he was trembling by the time we got him inside. Mike pulled a towel from the backseat and we wrapped him up in a towel and started up the heat, it only took a minute for the heat to kick on and for the puppy to get warm.
Mike asked me what I wanted to name him and I told him Priestly. I had been debating with names ever since he told me I could get a puppy for Christmas. I had finally decided on Jared, after one of my favorite Supernatural actors because Jared Padalecki is so good at pulling the puppy dog eyes. But when I told Mom what I wanted to name him she didn't think it would really fit a little puppy. And after thinking it over I knew she was right. So I decided to skip Jared and Jensen didn't fit either so I decided on Priestly. Priestly is my favorite character from Ten Inch Hero, played by Jensen Ackles. Priestly is a rebel, dressing in shirts with funny sayings, has a mohawk that is a different color every day, and has several tattoos as well as earrings in his nose, ears, and lip. But despite his tough guy appearance he has a very sweet caring personality. Which would fit a Yorkie perfectly. They are known to be tough, fiesty little dogs who won't be afraid to back down from a dog or person much bigger than they are. They are very good guard dogs and fiercly protective of their owners. But they are also very sweet little dogs, who love being with their owners. When I told Mike this he agreed that Priestly fit the puppy perfectly.
Mike wanted to go see Becky, Matt, and Colton and I agreed since we were already in Logan. So we took Priestly over and introduced him to Matt's family. Colton seemed really excited to see such a small dog, and loved petting him, though he kept trying to pet him in the face too close to Priestly's eyes for his comfort. He kept trying to hide his face from Colton but Colton kept trying anyway. We didn't stay too long - we still had a long drive home and I still had to work in the morning. So we headed home. Priestly whined most of the drive, as if knowing that his life with his family was now over and the start of his life with his new family was beginning. It is a scary thing for such a young puppy.
After dropping Mike off at home Priestly and I headed home. Victoria had asked if I would stop by Walgreens so she could see the new puppy. So we stopped there really quick then we came home because I was tired, and it was very cold and Jack was waiting to come in. Jack was very excited to see what was in the bundle of blankets and gave Priestly a big kiss. We all went up to my room and I made up a box for Priestly. Jack and I settled on the bed and settled for the night - but that was quickly interrupted by Priestly's distressed whimpering. It kept us up most of the night. I finally gave up around 3:00am. I fixed me some breakfast and went upstairs because Priestly was whimpering and yapping in distress. By the time I finished breakfast Priestly was asleep, and he stayed that way until I had to leave for work. Lucky little guy. I had probably got three and half hours of sleep and had a long day of work ahead of me.
I left Jack inside because it was supposed to snow, but I was worried about how he would be with Priestly when I wasn't there. At 12:00 we were offered an early out and with the looks of the storm outside I took it, afraid it would get worse, which it did so I'm glad I did. I made it home at little after 12:30, and went upstairs to check on the dogs. Jack was waiting for me at my door as always, and as soon as Priestly saw me his whole body began to shake with joy because wagging his tail wasn't good enough. Then he whined until I picked him up. He whined every time I put him down, even when Melinda and Brent came over later that night. And when Mike held him when he came over Priestly kept looking for me. Looks like I've got another mama's boy just like Jack.
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