Well if today wasn't enough to put me off getting married nothing is. Mike and I have been having problems getting his temple clearance so we can get married in the temple, so we decided to go ahead and set up a back up plan, just in case things don't work out for us. We figured we could always get sealed next year, even though neither of us want a civil wedding. But it's better to be safe than sorry, if the clearance does come through for us we are planning on having a ring ceremony so friends who can't come to the temple can be there.
Well, Mike agreed to call The Old Meeting House today while I was at work, which I was sent home after a few hours because the holiday this week had cut back on our already low mail volumes thanks to the economy being the way it is right now. So I took my paycheck down to the bank, depoisted all of towards my car, picked up some dog food and went home, I figured it was going to be a good day.
Mom and I had been talking about getting a back up plan in case we couldn't get clearance so I told her we were planning on doing it - and if his clearance came through we'd just turn the wedding ceremony to a ring ceremony. But a few minutes later I got a text from Mike saying to call him asap. So I called him and he said that The Old Meeting House had booked us for the wrong day, November 5. Not only that but they had booked someone else on our day.
I was very angry when I called The Old Meeting House back and after a long heated conversation with the girl on the phone, she said that they were only booked from 2-4 that day and she could have the decorations changed for us in an hour and a half. She kept insisting that we said November 5, and we had never said that. We had booked this and put down a deposit on this day in July, as well as confirming our date when we went in to look at invitations in the middle of August. So neither of us were very happy. But since we are still able to do our ceremony at 6:00pm with about an hour to do pictures before the reception starts we calmed down a little.
I'm glad we are only doing this once. I think being engaged and planning a wedding are highly over rated. Can't wait for it all to be taken care of and over with.
Party Animals
Wild hair, orange jello and a sleepover in the big bed at my house.
We know how to party on New Years Eve.
BTW, we didn't stay up until midnight.
11 years ago
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